Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How To Add Or Insert Orkut Post Share Button In Blogs

Orkut allows a share button feature with which website owners can extend the functionality of sharing their content with visitor friends using Orkut. It is not difficult at all to add the share button. Just follow the following guidelines and you are done. Orkut Post Share Button.

Implenting Share Button In any Blog

There will be a header file or any common file in your application and you need to paste the following code

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
      google.load('orkut.share', '1');
      google.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
        var params = {};
        params[google.orkut.share.Field.TITLE] = 'Site title here';
        params[google.orkut.share.Field.DESTINATION_URL] = 'www.scriptscart.com';
        var connection = new google.orkut.share.Connection(params);
        document.getElementById('orkut-share').onclick =
          function(e) { connection.send('orkut.com', {}); };
      }, true);

Now save the file and go to any other file or wherever you want to put this button and paste the following code there.

<span id="orkut-share" style="cursor:pointer; border:0px solid black">
<img src="http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_eEuHGVw5WLg/SwpFfy4rMqI/AAAAAAAAAAk/jdm-zBiDdv8/s320/share.gif" alt="Share Orkut" />

Save the file and you are ready for using the Share Button feature of ORKUT API.